Isle of Wight NHS Trust is an acute and ambulance health care provider.
Our trust was established in April 2012 as the only fully integrated provider of health services to an isolated offshore population of 140,000.
Community, mental health and learning disabilities services have transferred to Hampshire & Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Isle of Wight services will continue to be delivered locally on the Island by the same people, in the same locations. Our acute and ambulance services remain part of Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
Our trust is now working in a Group arrangement with Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust with a shared executive team and board meetings in common.
Acute hospital care
Based at the heart of the Island, with 266 beds and handling around 27,000 admissions each year, St Mary’s Hospital in Newport is our main base for delivering acute services for the Island’s population. Services include the Emergency Department (A&E), the Urgent Treatment Centre by referral only, Emergency medicine and surgery, planned surgery, intensive care, comprehensive maternity, Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) and paediatric services with 986 births last year.
Ambulance service
Isle of Wight Ambulance Service (IWAS) is part of Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
The service encompasses the Clinical Co-ordination Centre, Frontline Operations, Patient Transport Service, education and training, and Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR), for an Island population of around 140,000 people.