Artwork at St Mary's Hospital

The Art UK website brings together art from over 3,400 British institutions in one of the UK's biggest ever arts partnerships.

You will find art held by museums, universities, libraries, town halls and hospitals, together with art owned by national bodies such as the National Trust and National Trust for Scotland.

Visit the website to find artwork on display at St Mary's Hospital >>.

Day by Day

‘Day by Day’ is a sequence of 23 short films made on the Isle of Wight by artists about the landscape at different times of day and the artworks and poems that have been inspired by these places.

They were made to view whilst you may be receiving healthcare in hospital, in a nursing or residential home, or in your own home, and we hope they enable you to keep in touch with the everyday natural world.

  1. ‘Day by Day’ Introduction
  2. Dawn
  3. Morning Noon
  4. Afternoon on the Beach
  5. Evening
  6. Night
  7. Two Beaches Fort Victoria
  8. Two Beaches Compton Bay
  9. Sculpitecture
  10. Collage
  11. Kaleidoscope Coastline
  12. Evermore
  13. Split Screen Seaweed
  14. Bridge and Brook
  15. Compton Bay Eric Geddes
  16. Fort Victoria Eric Geddes
  17. The Diaries Eric Geddes
  18. Poem – Look Stranger
  19. Poem – Maggie and Molly
  20. Poem - No man is an island
  21. Poem – Pied Beauty
  22. Poem - Tempest
  23. Poem – Star in a Stoneboat