Our clinical strategy is an ambitious blueprint to drive change in the way we think about, plan, and deliver our clinical services to better meet the needs of patients, to drive innovation and excellence, developing care models that prioritise patient experience and genuine realistic benefit.

In its development, we consulted widely with clinical, operational, and managerial teams, as well as with patient groups and our communities. Through this process, we identified a set of core clinical principles that will be central to our thinking, in all service planning and transformation:

  • Patient experience
  • Realistic medicine and shared decision making
  • Urgent and emergency care pathways
  • End of life care
  • Research, education, innovation and a culture for improvement
  • Improving population heath and address health inequalities
  • Aligning service delivery to meet patient need

These are supported by a set of enabling themes which must sit hand in hand with our principles for us to deliver them effectively.

The strategy will be used by all our clinical services, across both organisations, to guide the annual service planning cycle and, most importantly, to drive the longer-term transformation of clinical services to better meet patients' needs, in services that will be fit and sustainable for the future.

We will continue to engage with our patients, partners, external stakeholders, and wider communities on how we will make the Clinical Strategy a vehicle for significant and long-term change. These are a few examples of how we plan to achieve this:

  • Listening to our patients through Patient and Staff Friends and Family Test
  • Real time feedback
  • National and local patient surveys
  • Our complaints process and engagement events
  • Engagement with our patient and community networks
  • Engaging and collaborating with our partners across Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

If you require the strategy in a different language or different media, please contact our Patient Experience Team: