Our Cardiology Department provides inpatient and outpatient services for patients with a range of cardiac conditions.

Services include:

  • Daily coronary care ward rounds from Monday to Friday

  • Outpatient clinics including our Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic

  • Ward consultations
  • Cardiac pacemaker service including pacemaker implants, pacemaker follow-up and elective pacemaker generator change.
  • Comprehensive cardiac investigation service including echocardiography transthoracic and transoesophageal, ambulatory ECG and blood pressure testing,exercise stress testing, with access to invasive investigations such as diagnostic coronary angiography at nearby Queen Alexandra's Hospital  Portsmouth. 
  • The Island’s ambulance service, together with the air ambulance when available, provides for emergency transfer to QA for primary angioplasty treatment of acute myocardial infarction, or alternatively, for pre-hospital thrombolytic therapy as necessary.
  • Our Cardiology Ward has 12 beds, used for acute and step-down patients.

  • A Heart Failure Specialist Nurse provides out-patient support, to patients with known heart failure, after referral from either primary, or secondary care.
  • A Cardiac Rehabilitation service that is provided for patients recovering from heart attacks and cardiac surgery.


For general enquires you can email the cardiac centre. If you are a patient and your enquiry relates to an appointment query, or anything else of a confidential nature in relation to your healthcare, please contact our department by telephone.