We are a specialist unit which manages early pregnancy problems, such as vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain. We see women who are 6 to 12 weeks pregnant.


Appointments are made via GPs, Emergency Department, or community midwives. We do not offer a walk in service.

Routine investigations

Patients are seen by a nurse or doctor and an ultrasound may be performed. The scan will be performed vaginally in order to accurately visualise the pregnancy to help with the diagnosis. This technique is not harmful to you or your pregnancy. Depending on the outcome, blood tests may be required.

What to expect

Appointments are made usually within a day of the referral being received, but appointments cannot be given for weekends or bank holidays.

We offer expectant, medical and surgical management of miscarriage. This means that if a miscarriage is diagnosed, you will be given the option of waiting to see if the pregnancy tissue passes naturally, or taking tablets to speed up the process, or a small operation to empty the womb. There are a few exceptions to this and you will advised and supported throughout.

We also offer expectant management for the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Some ectopic pregnancies will resolve on their own with close observation and regular follow up. Some ectopic pregnancies can be treated with a drug called Methotrexate and others require an operation. Most of the operations for ectopic pregnancy are carried out by keyhole surgery which means an admission to hospital.