Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the mouth, jaw, face, and neck.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons frequently work alongside other specialists including orthodontists, oncologists, neurosurgeons, dermatologists, and ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeons.

The specialty is unique, requiring a dual qualification in medicine and dentistry.

In addition to the more traditional consultant outpatient clinics we also run specialist lead one-stop clinics where patients receive their initial consultation and treatment at the same visit.

Service provision

  • Dentoalveolar surgery – for management of conditions affecting the tooth bearing parts of the jaws
  • Oral medicine – ulcers and infections of the mouth
  • Orthognathic surgery – surgically moving the jaws; jointly managed with orthodontic colleagues  
  • Trauma – treating fractures and lacerations
  • Treatment of oral and skin cancers
  • Treatment of neck lumps
  • Treatment of benign and malignant salivary gland diseases
  • Diagnosis and treatment of facial pain
  • Diagnosis and treatment of jaw joint disorders.

Outpatient appointments

Our outpatient service includes assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.