Our Neurology Service is provided by the Wessex Neurological Centre Southampton with 3 visiting neurologists attending St Mary's on 4 days of the week.
Neurology deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.
The most common problems we diagnose and treat are epilepsy, migraine, and other headache disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s Disease.
We are mostly based in the outpatient department, but will see inpatients on the wards at the request of other consultants. Occasionally, we transfer an inpatient to Southampton for further care and tests, and we also work at Southampton hospital for part of the week.
Our Consultant Neurologists that visit St Mary's from Southampton are Dr Alice Manson, Dr Julian Furby, and Dr Eshita.
Dr Manson has a specialist interest in Parkinson's Disease and movement disorders, Dr Furby has a specialist interest in multiple sclerosis, and Dr Eshita has a specialist interest in cognitive disorders.
We provide outpatient clinics in general neurology on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Our neurologists have specialist interests within and therefore may be asked to see patients with certain conditions based on specialist expertise.
We will sometimes order investigations for patients after seeing them in clinic. These include tests done at St Marys Hospital for MRI and CT scanning, blood tests, and others which are done in Southampton nerve conduction studies, EMG, EEG, and lumbar punctures.
If we feel that an operation is the best way to treat your condition, we may refer you to the Neurosurgery Department in Southampton.
We have neurology specialist nurses based at St Mary's Hospital. Teresa Hodges is the Community Matron for Multiple Sclerosis, and Cassie Bailey is Nurse Specialist for Multiple Sclerosis. Peter Scholes is the Associate Community Matron, supporting the Parkinson Service.
Patients are seen by request of another consultant for specialist advice, usually on the same day. Patients with neurological conditions are sometimes admitted directly to, or transferred to, the Wessex Neurological Centre in Southampton, for investigation and management on their Neurology Ward.