Our Patient Transport Service (PTS) provides transport 7 days a week for service users in medical need for outpatient appointments, admissions, discharge, and transfer.  

The service is not provided for social means and is only made available to those who meet strict eligibility criteria based on Department of Health Guidance.   

If the PTS is required and identified by your GP for your first hospital clinic appointment, your GP will authorise and book your transport. Further requests for transport must be identified and authorised by the consultant or allied health care professional who is treating you.  

Bookings for the PTS are made either by the GP practice or hospital staff. You can check your booking by calling 01983 822099 ext. 3504.

Department of Health Guidance

The Department of Health describes patient transport services as the non-urgent transportation of service users who have a medical need, to and from a health service provider and between health service providers. This covers a range of vehicles and levels of care: 

  • Where the medical condition of the service user is such that they require the skills or support of PTS staff on/after the journey and/or where it would be detrimental to the Service Users condition or recovery if they were to travel by other means. 
  • Where the Service Users medical condition impacts on their mobility to such an extent that they would be unable to access healthcare and/or it would be detrimental to the Service Users condition or recovery to travel by other means.

The following service users are eligible for PTS:

  • continual support of PTS is required to enable them to travel

  • have received treatment which requires the skill of PTS to ensure a safe journey, it does not include those who are suitable to travel in a taxi
  • have dementia or other mental health condition that requires the service to ensure a safe journey
  • those who are required to travel by stretcher
  • inter-hospital transfers, such as journeys to specialist units within Southampton and Portsmouth, and possibly further afield.