Our main operating theatres cover general surgery, urology, orthopaedics trauma, breast, and gynaecology surgery.

The Day Surgery Unit covers surgery that is predominantly day case procedures but includes ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery, ophthalmology, maxillofacial, general surgery, gynaecology, dermatology, and urology.

Our theatres are modern and well equipped with the latest surgical technology and can provide for laparoscopic surgery, i.e. keyhole surgery, when required.

Staff in the department will keep patients informed about what their operation will entail. Surgeons and anaesthetists are always willing to talk through procedures with a patient before they enter the theatre for the operation. Patients are always given a warm welcome on arrival and much is done to reassure and support them throughout the process.

It is vital that patients keep their appointment in theatre wherever possible. Not turning up for a surgical procedure and not letting us know means that a slot that could have been offered to another patient is wasted. Please let us know if you cannot make an appointment. On the letter informing you of your appointment, there will be a number you should ring if you wish to cancel. You’re appointment can then be offered to a patient on a stand- by list we have and if you have cancelled for a valid reason, you will be given a suitable alternative as quickly as possible.

Please also make the theatre team aware, as early as possible, of any allergies you may have so they can take account of this and avoid complications.

You may be asked to confirm your name and address etc several times on the day of your operation but this is to ensure that the correct procedures are carried out on the correct patient.

We realise that many patients can feel apprehensive about surgery, however minor the procedure may be. Please feel free to discuss any fears you may have at any stage and all efforts will be made by staff to put you at your ease.

At your pre-operative assessment appointment your surgery procedure will be explained to you, along with what to expect after the operation. This is another opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have.