Our Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) is open from 8am to midnight each day, all year round.
UTC is an alternative to the Emergency Department (A&E). It provides treatment for minor injuries and illnesses that are urgent but not life threatening.
It is not a walk-in service.
In the first instance visit NHS 111 online or call NHS 111.
An NHS adviser or healthcare professional will take note of your symptoms or injuries and then advise you of the best service to help you. This could range from self-care, seeing a pharmacist, helping you make an appointment with your GP, or referring you to the UTC or Emergency Department.
Examples of what can be seen and treated at the UTC include:
strains and sprains
suspected broken limbs
- minor head injuries
- minor scalds and burns
- skin infections and rashes
- eye problems
- feverish illness in adults
- feverish illness in children
- abdominal pain
- emergency contraception.
When you attend the UTC you will be assessed by a nurse upon arrival. After an initial assessment you will be directed to the most appropriate service.